This table shows the detailed subrankings for a particular benchmark.
Format of each entry: rank (original rank) performance.

          ade20k_sem_acc     ade20k_sem_iou     ade20k_sem_score    
1     FAN_NV_RVC     1 (50) 0.771     1 (56) 0.4346     1 (52) 0.6028    
2     MIX6D_RVC     2 (148) 0.7209     2 (99) 0.391     2 (125) 0.5559    
3     MSeg1080_RVC     4 (156) 0.7137     3 (165) 0.3318     3 (160) 0.5228    
4     UDSSEG_RVC     3 (148) 0.7209     5 (171) 0.316     5 (162) 0.5184    
4     UNIV_CNP_RVC     5 (158) 0.7082     4 (167) 0.3306     4 (161) 0.5194    

Last update: 2022-11-04 00:23:14 CEST